In this ADD generation, forget about reading novels, hell even novellas are too long. Everything has to be quick, short and preferably 140 characters or less. Let's put aside our favourite epic songs for a second and focus on short songs that are actually awesome. To make things easy, we've also reduced our song choice descriptions to 140 characters or less.
10Cat Stevens - The Wind
A classic and beautiful track by the cat man.
9The Beatles - Her Majesty
The Beatles have a ton of short songs, we went Her Majesty which doesn't even hit the 30 second mark.
8Foo Fighters - Doll
The intro to arguably the best Foo Fighters album is a soft slow intro that is followed up by the fast paced Monkey Wrench.
7Pink Floyd - Eclipse
It's actually not the shortest track off Dark Side Of The Moon, but it is the best of the short ones.
6The Smiths - Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want
Long name, short song, great track.
5The Pixies - Tame
Kurt Cobain's inspiration for Smells Like Teen Spirit. Bonus The Pixies Song: Here Comes My Gun.