A carefully placed song after the screen goes dark can keep the audience sitting down for an extra few minutes in a movie theater. Today we're taking a look at ten of the best end credit songs in (Hollywood) movies. The only catch is that the music must fit the bill; no out of place songs here.
10High Fidelity - Stevie Wonder - I Believe
Shock and awe, a music-centric movie has a great song during its ending credits. It's a bit surprising they didn't go with something more obscure given the nature of the movie.
9Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Yello - Oh Yeah
Alright, Yello's Oh Yeah isn't exactly a masterpiece, we will admit to that. However, the song choice was perfect for the ending of this 80s cult classic.
8Philadelphia - Neil Young - Philadelphia
It was a battle between Neil Young and The Boss' song, ultimately Neil Young's version is the one that got us all puppy eyed. Either way, the credits for Philadelphia featured some excellent music.
7Gangs Of New York - U2 - The Hands That Built America
As much as we love to make fun of U2 for no reason, we do dig the song choice here. It suits the movie very well.
6Heat - Moby - God Moving Over the Face of the Waters
There is no dénouement at the end of Heat, the song kicks in during the final scene and leads into the credits. It's a very memorable scene and song.
5The Life Aquatic - David Bowie - Queen Bitch
The Life Aquatic follows the (mis)adventures of the quirky and zany, Steve Zizzou. Queen Bitch is deranged enough to fit in perfectly with the theme of the movie. Well played.