Breaking up sucks, but it happens to everyone. Unless you're one of those Forever Alone-types, you've definitely gone through at least one nasty breakup, leaving you in a not-so-mellow emotional state.
Much like any drastic change, there are certain stages one goes through after a relationship ends. First you're in denial, then you're sad, then a bit happy, then you're really sad, and after a few more ups and downs, you move onto acceptance. Everyone goes through the breakup-process, but you don't have to do it alone.
Let music be your guide during the post-breakup process, with our list of 13 songs to get you through every stage of a break up and onto your road to recovery. Covering every stage you're gonna go through after you get dumped, give these tunes a listen and know you're not the first one to feel so morose.
Not ready for a recovery yet? Take a listen to our top 40 saddest songs of all time or our 35 best breakup songs. Sulking isn't your style? Then our 65 songs that will make you happy might be right for you.
13Serena Ryder - Baby Come Back
The impossible has happened: you've just been broken up with. Why? How? What's even happening right now? You're head is reeling with so many questions and you simply NEED to call your now-ex constantly to get answers. Of course, they're not picking up, leaving you with even more longing. Serena Ryder gets it, and "Baby Come Back" will show you how you're not the only one hoping for someone to return to your arms.
12Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine
Darkness has crept into your soul, where once light was, and Bill Withers knows that feel better than anyone else. Withers knows there "Ain't No Sunshine" when she/he is gone, and now they won't even "be gone too long," they're gone for good. If anything, Withers doesn't even have it as bad as you do.
11Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Your emotional state has improved enough that while you can recognize you once felt something akin to happiness, you're still plagued too hard with feelings of abandonment and dread to feel anything else. Or, in the world of the infamous Bonnie Tyler: once upon there was light in your life, but now there's only love in the dark. Damn, Bonnie, you really get it. Lets just hope your romance wasn't with some underage schoolboy likes Bonnie's seems to be in the video for this classic track.
10Adele - Someone Like You
Okay, you're making some progress. Yes, your heart still calls for your lost love, but now at least you've realized that you'll (maybe) find someone just like your ex. Finding a carbon-copy of an ex isn't exactly healthy, sure, though the heart wants what it wants. Adele's "Someone Like You" perfectly captures that particularly feeling of betrayal and regret you get at this stage of a breakup, plus Adele's pain-filled vocals will let you join in some mutual commiseration.
9Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Remember that minor bit of progress you made back at the Adele-stage? Well that was never meant to last. You've already rebounded with a couple of replacements, and now you're realizing no one will ever be as great as your one-time love. So now you've deluded yourself this whole breakup is just a part of your story together, and you've decided to wait until your ex realizes what they've lost. Enter Whitney Houston's iconic "I Will Always Love You" (a Dolly Parton cover) that embodies your new and entirely insane mindset.
8 Lana Del Rey - Without You
Things are going to get dark well before they get brighter, so you mine as well embrace this new emotional low you're experience after you've come to fully realize you and your ex are over. Don't worry, the noir pop stylings of Lana Del Rey will ease your sorrow, somewhat. Just give "Without You" a listen, and while you won't feel any better, at least you won't be feeling any worse.