Best Covers Of Radiohead's Creep Covers

While checking out the massive collection of Creep (Radiohead) covers out there, we noticed that most singers are trying to mimic Thom Yorke's voice instead of giving us their own take. Face it, unless you’re a little 6 year old girl and someone just stole your lollipop, you’ll never reach the highs that Thom can. We’ve narrowed down today’s Creep covers to a select few where the artists changed things up a bit. Okay, we’ll confess, we also slid in a few of the UpVenue favorites in the mix.
First, the originals (both electric and acoustic):
Radiohead – Creep (Original)
Radiohead – Creep (Acoustic)
And on with the covers!
Bill Bailey (Hindi Cover)
Pros: Very original arrangement. Vocals are decent, backup singers are pretty good. Better than expected.
Cons: Takes forever until the song begins. There’s this water bubbling sound in the song that’s very distracting.
Damian Rice (Acoustic Cover)
Pros: Excellent cover, good range in his vocals. Voice doesn’t crackle at all.
Cons: Too similar to the original, nothing new to see here.
KoRn (Acoustic Cover)
Pros: True to the original but with Jonathan Davis’ unique voice.
Cons: The pro we listed can also be taken in a bad way as we expected something a bit more unique and out there from KoRn.
Frank Bennett (Jazz Cover)
Pros: A jazzy tune that would work better for almost any other song.
Cons: Too uplifting for creep, it ruins the experience. It’s hard to take the song seriously.
Northern Kings (Creepy Cover)
Pros: It’s definitely creepy but for other reasons. A unique spin on the song.
Cons: Would work better as a Tim Burton movie soundtrack.
The Pretenders (Acoustic Cover)
Pros: Very beautiful cover, good vocals.
Cons: I suppose if you think of it as a lesbian song, it could work; Otherwise the lyrics make no sense.
G4 (Opera Cover)
Pros: The highs are really good, the performance is solid. Even Simon Cowell liked it.
Cons: It’s a good cover but you’ll never listen to it a second time.
Scarling (Rock Cover)
Pros: The guitar in the intro is great. Soft voice.
Cons: The music is overpowering Jessicka. The electric guitar’s overdrive is terrible.
Ingrid Michaelson (Ukulele Cover)
Pros: Changed up the song a bit.
Cons: She keeps striking the exact same chord over and over. Voice is too high pitched at times.
Nell (Korean Cover)
Pros: This is actually a great cover. The music arrangement is completely different.
Cons: He should stick with the manlier voice; the feminin parts are really weak and distracting.
Kermit The Frog (Muppets Cover)
Pros: We now understand the pain Kermit is going through.
Cons: Damn you Ms Piggy! Leave Kermit alone.