How To Survive A Moshpit

We’ve already shown you how to secure your tickets to a show and now the big day has come. You’ve worked your way to the front of the crowd, your favorite band begins playing their most intense song but suddenly, you’re caught in the eye of the hurricane; how exactly do you survive the moshpit? Don’t panic! We’ve been in a few moshpits over the years and we have some escape strategies that can work for anyone.
Preparation is key to surviving a moshpit and it begins before you even leave your home. Make sure you wear raggy clothing that you don’t mind dirtying or even ripping; designer jeans and a nice jacket are pretty much a no-no if you’re going to an outdoor festival or expect to be in the floor area of an indoor concert. Consider leaving your glasses at home and opting for contact lenses instead. Don’t bring a watch, a bracelet or anything else of value that can potentially be lost or damaged, especially if you’re expecting to enter the pit. Tie your shoelaces and be well hydrated.
Avoiding the pit
If you want nothing to do with the pit, it only makes sense to avoid it entirely before it even forms. The safest area in a concert is the halfway mark between the stage and the opposite end of the venue. We’re just going to assume that you want to be as close as possible to the band, so head to either the left or right areas of the crowd. If the band is playing a softer song, and there’s a bunch of guys waving their hands profusely or even jumping, it only makes sense to scoot away from them as they’re the most likely to start pushing and shoving when the heavier songs begin. One last thing, if you’re five-foot-five and weight a hundred pounds; don’t even consider entering a moshpit.
Moshpit etiquette
When in the pit, elbows down. You don’t want to hand out black eyes especially since others will likely return the favor. Pushing and shoving is part of the game, but don’t try to injure someone on purpose. If someone is trying to get out of the pit, don’t push them back in, move to the side, let them out, then quickly close the circle again. If someone falls, give them a hand and help them up. If someone gets injured, get people around you to form a protective barrier around the person and help escort them to security. Always brace yourself and be alert, the potential of getting hurt is real high here. If someone loses an accessory, simply lift your arm in the air so that they can claim it. Don’t be the jerk who tries to crowd surf; that is so passé. Your feet will likely hit someone in the eye and there’s no way to ensure that you’ll even have a secure landing as people might simply let go of you. Finally, keep in mind that moshpits vary depending on the type of music; it’s best to observe what others are doing and follow the crowd.
Surviving the pit
If you can’t handle the current mosh because it’s out of control, go with the flow and mosey on to the center of the pit, this is actually a safe haven where you’re less likely to get hurt, be warned it’s also denser and is filled with sweaty pigs. If you can’t get to the center, then simply continue going in circles, stay behind someone who’s bigger than you (they’re the least likely to fall back) and don’t fight the pit. The song will eventually end and people will calm down. When that happens, quickly work your way out of the pit and head towards the extremities of the floor area for some rest.
Moshpits are very dangerous and they’re not meant for the faint of heart (read p*ssies) or for anyone not willing to get a bit bruised up; it might be embarrassing to meet with a client the next day when you have a black eye. We end this edition of TUYM with one last piece of advice: Don’t forget to enjoy the show!