Irish Bands for Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patty’s day is just around the corner which means that celebrations are in order. What would a Saint Patrick’s Day party be without some green ale and music? No worries, UpVenue’s got you covered on the music front with these songs from bands who are of Irish decent.
Okay, let's begin by getting the campy music out of the way. B*witched is an irish girl band who was active from 1998 through 2002. They split up after they were dropped from their label but rumors of a reunion still persist.
We featured an all girl Irish pop band so it would only make sense to bring in an Irish boy band into the mix. Westlife came into the music scene in 1998 and surprisingly, are still very active.
The Corrs
The Corrs are a celtic folk rock band comprised of four siblings. Here is an excellent performance of their hit “Radio” which they played at MTV Unplugged back in 1999.
The Cranberries
The Cranberries were massive back in the early 1990s but have since disappeared off the face of the planet. We hope that one day, they will resurface and reunite. In the meanwhile, enjoy their classic song “Zombie”.
Flogging Molly
You can’t get any more Irish than Flogging Molly. “Drunken Lullabies” is the ideal song for any Saint Patty’s day party.
Snow Patrol
Snow Patrol may not be the most festive band to listen to on Saint Patrick’s day. They have enjoyed quite a bit of mainstream success as of late and it would be a shame to not include them in this list.
Yeah that’s right, Bono and the gang are based in Dublin, Ireland. While U2 has recently released a new album, No Line on the Horizon, we’ve decided to go with this classic song instead.
George Harrison
George Harrison, the former lead guitarist of the Beatles was also of Irish decent. Here he is performing My Sweet Lord, may he rest in peace.
Damian Rice
We recently profiled Damian Rice and loved his amazing work on his cover of Radiohead’s Creep. Here’s one of his most powerful performances, “The Blower’s Daughter” with a bit of creep mixed in just for fun.
Bruce Springsteen
We end our Saint Patrick’s Day tribute with the Boss. While Bruce Springsteen wasn’t born in Ireland, he is from Irish ancestry. Enjoy and have a great Saint Patrick’s Day.