Nine Inch Nails to Launch Awesome iPhone App

Trent Reznor has posted a video walkthrough of the new Nine Inch Nails iPhone / iPod Touch app that is set to be released as soon as it gets App Store approval from Apple. While this doesn’t sound like anything out of the ordinary, the functionality behind it all is what makes this app so damn special. For starters, the interface allows you to quickly navigate through the NiN website, view message board posts, listen to music playlists, watch NiN videos and browse through fan, or even band, uploaded pictures.
The magic lays in its ability to detect that you’re physically at a Nine Inch Nails concert (using either GPS or Location Finder), seak other NiN fans who are at the concert (back in the day, we’d just look around us but no need for that anymore), snap pictures and upload them directly to right there and then. Awesome, while you’re at it, don’t forget to share those pictures with your friends here at UpVenue.
Trent has been on a roll lately with the fan services. A few months ago, he approved a 400+GB HD video torrent of his concert, he’s handed out free downloadble NiN albums, he’s recently posted live videos and a free EP from the NIN/JA tour (Nine Inch Nails / Jane’s Addiction) and now, he is launching a free new tool for iPhone users. Perhaps the only thing we could ask Trent to do is retract his statement that this will be the last NiN tour for a long time. Check out the video below for a walkthrough of the app.
Video Walkthrough
Nine Inch Nails at the NINJA (Wish live with Dillinger)
NIN Official Site:
NIN/JA Official Site (including a free EP download):