The Beatles' Sons to Form 2nd Generation Beatles

James McCartney, son of Paul McCartney (who?), spoke with BBC recently and expressed interest to form a second generation version of The Beatles. Here's the kicker, he's already spoken to John, Ringo and George's sons and most of them seem to be keen on the idea.
Zack Starkey, Ringo Starr's son whose been drumming for The Who, is the only one of the four not yet sold on the idea.
I don't think it's something that Zak wants to do. Maybe Jason [drummer and one of Starr's other sons] would want to do it. I'd be up for it. Sean seemed to be into it, Dhani seemed to be into it. I'd be happy to do it.
Will The New Beatles actually happen though?
Yeah, hopefully, naturally. I don't know, you'd have to wait and see. The will of God, nature's support, I guess. So yeah, maybe.
There you have it, we may or may not, probably, maybe, perhaps, god only knows have a new version of The Beatles featuring Sean Lennon, James McCartney, Dhani Harrison and Jason or Zack Starkey.