Summer is here! You've fired up the BBQ, the pool is at a warm 80 degrees, and your friends are quickly starting to show up. All that's left to do is get a playlist going. Sure you can you look at our list of the best summer songs, but you'll also want to add more up-to-date music too. No worries, We've compiled a list of staff favorite summer music for 2012.
10Metric - Youth Without Youth
Any music from Metric is great for a summer party. Youth Without Youth is no exception.
9Atlas Genius - Trojans
Look out world, Australia is on a roll lately with their awesome music. Atlas Genius is their latest export.
8Alex Clare - Too Close
Enjoy it while you can, it's a pop song with a hint of dubstep. While I love this mix in Too Close, I'm secretly hoping that pop song infused dubstep doesn't become a thing.
7Young Blood - The Naked And Famous
Another fun little summer track, The Naked and Famous has a nice nostalgic feel to it.
6Of Monsters And Men - Little Talks
Keep Little Talks for the end of the night when everyone is waiting to dance. It's got a Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros feel to it.
5The Black Keys - Tighten Up
Tighten Up is the latest single from The Black Keys and is a safe bet for any party.