Mutemath Montreal Concert Pictures

I had never been to see Mutemath live before, but I had seen some live videos of their performances. Let me tell you this: the live videos don't do them justice. There is a reason why this band has a reputation for putting on an amazing live show.
The lights dimmed as with any other show, but that's when everything changed. From the band marching through the crowd to get to the stage, to the drummer Darren King using gaff tape to secure his head phones to his head -- and that was just the first 2 minutes of the show! From start to finish, there was so much going on onstage. The band members were constantly switching over to other instruments mid-songs; lead singer Paul Meany did multiple hand stands on his piano--he even crowd surfed atop an air mattress. As if the visual fun wasn't enough, musically, they were spot on.
Enjoy some of the pics from the show below, and click on any of them to see our full Mutemath gallery. Also, stay tuned for our interview with vocalist/keyboardist Paul Meany in the next few days.

All of our photos from this show can be seen in our Mutemath Gallery. Civil Twilight opened the show and those pics can be found in our Civil Twilight gallery.