Foo Fighters to release new album and HBO show

It’s about time! Following the success of their latest album, Wasting Light, and Dave Grohl’s documentary Soundcity, Foo Fighters are back at it. This time, they’re combining both of those efforts and turning them into something quite interesting. The new album with have a complementary documentary series on HBO.
To fully grasp the concept, let’s take a look at the album first. The new record will have 8 tracks recorded in 8 different cities across the US. Each of the tracks will feature a local artist from that city and will be influenced by the music scene of that region.
The group visited Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, Nashville, New Orleans, New York City, Seattle and Washington DC and worked at the most iconic studios those cities had to offer. Butch Vig, who is serving as producer once again, followed them in their journey. As for the local talent, we don’t have the complete list yet but here are the confirmed artists:
- Joe Walsh (The Eagles, rock band from Los Angeles)
- Ian MacKaye (Fugazi, post-hardcore from Washington, D.C)
- Buddy Guy (Blues from Chicago)
- Paul Stanley (Kiss, hard rock band from New York City)
- Nancy Wilson (Heart, rock band from Seattle)
The HBO show, which Dave Grohl is directing will be 8 episodes long and, you guessed it, will feature one song and artist per episode. The episodes will talk about the rise of the various music scenes in those regions as well as the bands that have recorded at the iconic studios.
Both the show and the album will be released this fall. The only downside, there are only 8 tracks on the new album.