Bohemian Rhapsody now available in Virtual Reality

Brian May loves virtual reality. Brian May loves VR so much that he has created his own set of virtual reality glasses. The Queen guitarist has been working with Google to turn Bohemian Rhapsody into a VR experience for quite some time now.
Dubbed, The Bohemian Rhapsody Experience, the app is now available on Android smartphones and will also be hitting iOS very soon. The app is described by Google as a journey through Freddy Mercury's mind. You're essentially placed into a 360 degree world with the classic Queen track playing all around. What makes it interesting is that parts of the song play in different areas of the world that surround you and you tune into them by shifting your head and looking at the animations.
If you're new to VR, all you really need is a smartphone (preferably one with a large sceen) and a cheap Google Cardboard set (which also works on iPhones) or any of the million sub $30 ones you can find on Amazon like this one, this one or this one.
I expect that Bohemian Rhapsody and Queen will not be the only VR music related experiences that we'll be seeing as the technology starts becoming more mainstream.