Californication's Queens of Dogtown Cover Plush

We recently wrote about the fictional band, Queens of Dogtown, that appeared on the hit TV series Californication. The band is fronted by Lenny Kravitz's daughter, Zoe (Pearl on the show). While the band may be made for television, there's no denying how talented they really are. In their first apparence, they did a superb cover of Alice in Chain's song Would?.
Now, the Queens are back with a new song, a sweet acoustic take on Plush by Stone Temple Pilots. Unfortunately, Plush is not listed in the Californication season 4 soundtrack but you can check it out below. There are two more tracks by Queens of Dogtown on the soundtrack Last Caress (Misfits cover?) and I Remember You (Skid row cover?).
Don't forget to listen to Queens of Dogtown's cover of Would?