Paramore Announce Release Date And Title For 4th Album

Great news for Paramore fans today, the band announced on their official website the title and release date for their upcoming album. Due out April 9, 2013, they've decided that this album will be self titled. They wrote:
The whole making of this album was a rediscovering of ourselves as a band and as friends. It was a process that allowed us the freedom to explore new territory artistically and to liberate ourselves as musicians, singers, as people! Sincerely, we feel that the best way to give it a name is just to call it what it is. This album is us.
They also announced that the first single off of Paramore will be Now. This is what they had to say about the single:
It just feels like the perfect way to start this new journey we are embarking on not only as a band but as a movement. To show people that you can lose battles but come back and win full on wars. You can rise from ashes. You can make something out of even less than nothing. The only thing you have to do is keep moving forward!
As mentioned earlier, the album will be out April 9, 2013.