Garbage Montreal Metropolis Concert Review / Photos 2013

Tu es tres fou (You are very crazy). That's how Shirley Manson, frontwoman of Garbage described the Montreal crowd that came out to see the band last night. The last time the band played Montreal, they were part of the Osheaga 2012 lineup; this time around, they headlined at Montreal's Metropolis with openers Io Echo.
Io Echo
While the Metropolis may have only been about half full by the time Io Echo took to the stage, those fans that had arrived early were in for a treat. This little known band (which has opened up for Nine Inch Nails and Florence and the Machine) definitely has a bright future ahead of them. You can find more info about them on their website and take our advice, if you're planning on catching Garbage on any of their remaining dates that include Io Echo, get there early!
Judging by the average age of those in attendance, it's safe to say I wasn't the only one who was taken back to high school when they kicked things off with Supervixen and I think I'm Paranoid. Their setlist was an excellent mix of those old school tracks that made us fall in love with the band, and the newer tracks that keep us wanting more.

While some singers opt to hide behind their microphone stands, Manson does the exact opposite prowling around the stage, not only captivating the crowd with her vocals, but also with her stage presence. Guitarists Duke Erikson and Steve Marker also added to the stage show playing to crowd while clearly enjoying themselves. Touring bassist Eric Avery and the legendary Butch Vig provided the welcoming thump to each of their songs.
Prior to playing Cherry Lips, Manson mentioned that the bonus of having their own record label is that they don't have to rely on some douche bag who's never even played a music note to say whether a song is worthy. Originally Cherry Lips was deemed not good enough, but every night they play it, they see everyone in the crowd singing along to it. So, before getting into it, Manson said a big fuck you to those douchbags, and a thank you to the fans.

Normally, most bands would call it a day after playing for an hour and a half, but not Garbage. Returning to the stage for their encore, they were met by some of the loudest cheers of the night; clearly Montreal wanted more! To close out the night, they played Special, Stupid Girl, and You Look So Fine.
Even though they've been touring the world for years, the moment they take to the stage, they play as if they're playing their first gig. Throughout the show the band took the time to let the crowd know what a good time they were having on stage, and once all was said and done, they told the world too.

If you were at the show and want to relive your experience (or you just want to see some pics), check out our Io Echo photo gallery and our Garbage photo gallery.

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