Shimon Moore Releases Statement Regarding His Departure

Earlier this week, Mark Goodwin and Emma Anzai of the band Sick Puppies announced that frontman Shimon Moore was leaving the group. Turns out that that news wasn't only a surprise for the fans, it was also a surprise for Moore. Today, Moore broke his silence and released his own statement which can be read below:
On October 20th Sick Puppies announced that I was leaving the band. This was the first I had heard of it. The truth is that there was tension in the band after the many years of touring. I had hoped that some time apart would resolve these issues and lead us to the next phase of our career. It unfortunately seems that Emma and Mark have decided to move on with a new singer instead. It has taken a couple of days for me to respond because I have needed a bit of time to get over the news.
Emma, Mark and I have done the impossible together. We turned a bunch of songs and a dream into a reality, then traveled the world to show it to everyone. For that I will always be grateful to them. I am deeply saddened to have lost my band after all these years.
I am so touched by the messages from you all asking me if I will be continuing in music and the answer is obviously “Yes.”
Since the announcement I have been locked out of all the Sick Puppies socials and mailing lists so you won’t be able to hear about it through those sites. If you want to hear my new music, please follow and share my socials with your friends from the links below.
For those of you I may lose during this time, I will miss you.
For those of you who will stand by me, I will not let you down.
Please remember one of my favorite lyrics.
“Every new beginning, comes from some other beginnings end.”
… I’ll be right here
On October 20th Sick Puppies announced that I was leaving the band. This was the first I had heard of it. The truth is that there was tension in the band after the many years of touring. I had hoped that some time apart would resolve these issues and lead us to the next phase of our career. It unfortunately seems that Emma and Mark have decided to move on with a new singer instead. It has taken a couple of days for me to respond because I have needed a bit of time to get over the news.
Emma, Mark and I have done the impossible together. We turned a bunch of songs and a dream into a reality, then traveled the world to show it to everyone. For that I will always be grateful to them. I am deeply saddened to have lost my band after all these years.
I am so touched by the messages from you all asking me if I will be continuing in music and the answer is obviously “Yes.”
Since the announcement I have been locked out of all the Sick Puppies socials and mailing lists so you won’t be able to hear about it through those sites. If you want to hear my new music, please follow and share my socials with your friends from the links below.
For those of you I may lose during this time, I will miss you.
For those of you who will stand by me, I will not let you down.
Please remember one of my favorite lyrics.
“Every new beginning, comes from some other beginnings end.”
… I’ll be right here
It’s safe to say this wasn’t an amicable split, but there is a silver lining in all of this; these three talented musicians plan on continuing what they love to do, which is making music.
UPDATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2014 - Emma Anzai and Mark Goodwin have released another statement which can be read below:
We have always wanted to be professional and respectful to everyone involved, but unfortunately Shim has taken a different approach and has been distorting the facts to make himself out to be the victim of a surprise “ousting”. We released a statement on October 20th and had planned on not responding to Shim’s posting, but after reading all your comments we felt the need to set the record straight.
Shim's claim that “This was the first I had heard of it” is simply not true. The truth is Shim engaged a lawyer against US ... for the second time. He notified us through his lawyer that he wanted to dissolve the band. All our hard work and dedication was now in jeopardy, not to mention all YOUR years of love and support of the band. We couldn't let that happen so we made the difficult decision to move forward without him.
Despite Shim’s actions we still wish him the best.
We, Emma and Mark, love writing music, performing and being in this band. If you know us at all then you know that we would not casually throw away 15 years of hard work. We trust you understand and each of you should know that moving forward we only want, and have always wanted -- to keep the focus on the music.
Thank you so much for all your love and support and we'll see you out on the road real soon.
Emma and Mark.
We have always wanted to be professional and respectful to everyone involved, but unfortunately Shim has taken a different approach and has been distorting the facts to make himself out to be the victim of a surprise “ousting”. We released a statement on October 20th and had planned on not responding to Shim’s posting, but after reading all your comments we felt the need to set the record straight.
Shim's claim that “This was the first I had heard of it” is simply not true. The truth is Shim engaged a lawyer against US ... for the second time. He notified us through his lawyer that he wanted to dissolve the band. All our hard work and dedication was now in jeopardy, not to mention all YOUR years of love and support of the band. We couldn't let that happen so we made the difficult decision to move forward without him.
Despite Shim’s actions we still wish him the best.
We, Emma and Mark, love writing music, performing and being in this band. If you know us at all then you know that we would not casually throw away 15 years of hard work. We trust you understand and each of you should know that moving forward we only want, and have always wanted -- to keep the focus on the music.
Thank you so much for all your love and support and we'll see you out on the road real soon.
Emma and Mark.
So what do you make of this whole situation? Let us know in the comments section.