Ten Weirdest Lady Gaga Outfits so far

The second most asked question at award ceromonies lately (after "who will win?") has quickly become "What will Lady Gaga wear tonight?". Every event is treated like Halloween for the fashionista pop star. We've decided to revisit ten of the weirdest outfits that she's worn so far (in no particular order).
Lady Gaga's "The 80s threw up" outfit
In case the wild assortment of colors wasn't enough, sitting on the leopard skinned love seat pushes this one over the edge.

Lady Gaga's Bubble Wrap Outfit
An unusual take on bubble wrap -- we're not entirely sure we'd want to pop these.. .. *pops*

Lady Gaga's Egg and Born to Be Wild Outfit
Gaga made her grandiose entrance at the Grammy Awards this year in a giant egg. She later hatched and sung her new song "Born This Way". Her outfit that night was reminiscent to that of the woman with the fake looking face below, complete with the mutated spiked shoulders.

Lady Gaga's Black Veil and Pink Undies Outfit
Exaggerated hair, a black Erickson Beamon veil, pink bra and corset shorts. Why not?

Lady Gaga's Red Lace Dress
Red laced dress, face mask and crown. With just a few minor changes, this dress can easily turn into a zombie costume.

Lady Gaga's Disco-like Helmet thing Outfit
We're not really sure what this was supposed to be or even how she managed to see though that helmet / mask thing. It looks like the 70s trying to portray the future.

Lady Gaga's Hello Kitty Outfit
Straight out of something you'd expect to find in Japan, Lady Gaga can be seen sporting a dress made strictly of Hello Kitty stuffed toys. Don't worry, they're just toys; No one in their right mind would wear real meat.

Lady Gaga's Meat Dress
A meat dress, complete with a meat hat and a meat purse. There's nothing out of the ordinary here.

Lady Gaga's Doily Outfit
This sort of looks like a doily dress with a giant loofah as a hat. We're pretty sure Lady Gaga's dresses are inspired by the first few things that she sees when she wakes up.

Lady Gaga's Nest Mask
Meat dress and nest Masks; we're really surprised that Lady Gaga isn't attacked by wild life more often.

That it for now, we'll give it a month or two before we have enough material to make a brand new article! Keep 'em coming Gaga.