2015 Best Musician Halloween Costumes

Halloween is rapidly approaching and you might find yourself struggling to find the perfect costume to wear. Part of standing out as a musician involves creating a brand for yourself which luckily for the rest of us, means that we get plenty of great and weird outfits to choose from when copying our idols (or making fun of them). Here are 2015's best musician inspired Halloween costumes.
Mark Ronson and / or Bruno Mars
Difficulty: Easy
Uptown Funk was one of this year's biggest hits and dressing up as Mark Ronson or Bruno Mars (or both if you have a friend) can easily be done with with items that you probably already own. For Mark, grab a cheap pair of black shades with a pink frame. Don't worry too much about matching the color of the jacket in the picture however, the hairstyle is a must. For Bruno Mars, things get a bit trickier. You'll want to swing by a thrift shop for a pink jacket. A pair of brown aviators can pass for the sunglass but don't forget to put the hat on top of a bandana. A cross and chain will help finish the look.
Broken Leg Dave Grohl
Difficulty: Hard
If your leg is already in a cast, then you're halfway there. For the full effect, you'll want to built out the crazy rock chair. Start by decorating a wheelchair. Now is great time to dust off those old plastic Rock Band / Guitar Hero guitars and attach them to the chair. In terms of clothing, a red hunter plaid shirt does the trick.
Miley Cyrus Rainbow Box
Difficulty: Medium, requires grade 1 level craft skills
Not really sure what Miley was trying to do here but this makes for a great Halloween outfit. Grab your arts and craft gear and make this outfit in no time. Don't forget the to buy a wig and to color it as well. The best part of this outfit; you don't need to be a woman to pull it off.
Lady Gaga American Horror Story
Difficulty: Easy
The great thing about this costume is that it's a perfect fit for a classic Halloween look. A white robe with some fake blood on your neck, some eyelash extensions and the hairstyle is all it takes to achieve this look.
The Weeknd
Difficulty: Easy
Copying Abel is fairly simple. All you need is a wee bit of stubble, a black wig and some glue and you're set. In terms of clothing, anything goes really but being stylish helps.
Difficulty: Easyish
This one is fairly easy but might require a bit of work if you can't find this exact wig. Here's an easy hack: Buy two really thick blond wigs, cut them in half and then stitch the two long ends together. Cut out a small part in the wig to reveal your mouth. Apply red lipstick and finish off the outfit with a nun's outfit. Warning, you'll walk into everything.